Testing and signing kernel for Ubuntu 20.04
Friday, May 15, 2020
Disclaimer! This a information regarding mainline kernel, copied from the ubuntu wiki: By default, Ubuntu systems run with the Ubuntu kernels provided by the Ubuntu repositories. However it is handy to be able to test with unmodified upstream kernels to help locate problems in Ubuntu kernel patches, or to confirm that upstream has fixed a specific issue. To this end we now offer select upstream kernel builds. These kernels are made from unmodified kernel source but using the Ubuntu kernel configuration files.…more
Enable Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird on wayland in Ubuntu 20.04
Friday, May 1, 2020
This guide will help you configure Fractional Scaling (later called FS) on ubuntu 20.04 and wayland session. Wayland At the moment, ubuntu sees wayland users as ‘less than 1%'1, so feel pretty special if you choose this path :) Enable To enable wayland session follow this doc: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-enable-disable-wayland-on-ubuntu-20-04-desktop Test GUI Go to “Settings” app -> “About” and you will find “Windowing system” field. CLI Test if your current session is wayland based2:…more
linuxwaylandlinuxubuntufirefoxthunderbirdmozillafractional scaling